It’s two weeks into the new year. How are your New Years resolutions going?

My anwer is way too long. I don't know what got into me.

In the last 5 months, I've made tremendous strides in turning my life around.

My fiance passed away 3 years ago which caused me to spiral into a deep depression. That's an understatement. I was completely devastated and I started to drink excessively which lead to developing a serious coke habit. At the time, it seemed like the only way I could escape my grief.

I work in the music industry and drugs are part of the counterculture.

I stopped paying my loans. I had a daily panic attack about my debt. I confined in an emotionally abuse person... this person really messed with my head. I isolated myself from people that would call me out on the way I'm living my life. I felt insane. I hated myself so much. I was living like I wanted to die.

In the last 6 months, I paid off all my debt, quit abusing drugs by switching up my job position and avoiding toxic people. I started seeing a therapist, exercising, rekindling close friendships.

I don't really believe in New Years resolutions, but I just want to continue taking care of myself. I'm ready to finally heal.

/r/AskReddit Thread