Interested in hearing perspectives from people who grew up in hamilton and have continued to live there

Born in the tron, left in ‘94 for aux for a couple of years, was basically ‘fuck this traffic’ and came back. And the traffic seems to have followed me.

School sucked absolute balls, I ended up with a couple of IT jobs in the tron and in aux but just hated it. Came back, I’ve worked in glass, aviation, industrial filtration and now motorbike stuff.

I like that even with the traffic now it’s still way easier to get around than aux, I wish it wasn’t so spread out though, wanting to use the car less but everything is so far away on foot or bike.

From a motorcyclists point of view it’s awesome because we have some good bike shops here but it’s only 10 mins in any direction to get out of town and boy do we have some amazing riding roads close enough to do in one day.

/r/thetron Thread