AITA for taking "too long" to get ready and snapping at my boyfriend for rushing me

Do you have any tips for that? When I asked him if he would tell me about the times that are expected when he knows them (and he later told me he learned soon after I started getting ready) he told me no, he would not, as he did not want to and proceeded to call me childish. Again, a communication issue, but if I gave the wrong amount of time, he would have just gotten more frustrated with me.

He also doesn't think the dog needs to be taken right before we go, so I tend to do that because he often won't even if I ask early enough. So that's just a thing I have to do.

I also didn't know friend was at the place. I knew friend was going to place. And someone, also meeting up with us, got there after we had gotten there, so it wasn't an unreasonable amount of time.

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