Why isn’t my vengeful god not working? I have all magic knowledge unlocked and I had 50k of everything for both sacrifices, and I’ve done tons of research and tried multiple ways but it doesn’t seem to work. Please help.

  • Supp Sacrifice offers you Income while buidling up, shortening the effective time to the Vengeful/Regular Sun Temple Upgrade
  • Supp sacrifices result in a more fitting amount of cash needed for the second sacrifices, making the process even faster
  • Magic Sacrifices only produce little Avatars with low range, and camo detection.
    The additional pierce of magic and support sacrifices are identical, the knock back is neglectable since no regular bloon can withstand the beam anyways
  • You are all scrubs for considering superior tactic "trash" and horrible people for downvoting me out of sight. Instead of downvoting, you could have asked first, but no, its Reddit and you have to be a prick.
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