Jacob Laskey and Murderfest 2023: Nazi Bands Fuck Off

Maybe a dumb question but can someone explain how very obviuolsy non-white people like the Terrance Hubbard guy described on this page (and apparently a huge chunk of the California NSBM scence, based on Facebook connections of this Hubbard character) end up being nazis?

Like, how does a non-white person becomes convinced of hardcore white supremacism and nazism, wearing confederate flag merch, clothes with swastikas and white power crosses, and more? This is a subgenre of nazi I was not familiar with before: the plainly non-at-all-white white supremacist nazi.

I know nazis aren't smart, but this is really next-level idiocracy. Either that or the absolute max level of self-hatred? I don't know how to understand this phenomenon.

/r/rabm Thread Link - centraloregonantifascist.noblogs.org