Just bought Skyrim VR, never played Skyrim before, mod bundle anywhere?

I agree with the comments saying to play without mods first, if not through to end of the campaign, at least far enough to experience how the game feels for you. You may actually enjoy it that way and want to continue.

It will certainly be less of a hassle and learning curve. I've modded three versions of Skyrim and it took me around a dedicated week to research, test and install my Skyrim VR modlist, while beta testing ModOrganizer - yet even still, my first savegame was broken by an official patch and I had to restart.

So ask yourself, would you rather spend the next month playing Skyrim VR? Or would you rather spend the next month watching modding videos, learning the various modding tools and testing the compatibility of different mods with your growing modlist, willing to completely start the process over at least once?

Finally, as an unpopular opinion, I wasn't impressed with the 3D sound mod and felt that it ruined the sound design of the game; and that often recommended mods, like SRO, SMIM and ENBs would push into reprojection even on a 1080 TI VR dev system, and while they made the game look different and more 'realistic', did not necessarily make the game look better or more enjoyable.

Skyrim VR can be a beautiful and immersive experience on its own, without a single mod installed. Just so you know that this is possible. Either way you go, I envy you the journey. Wind guide you.

/r/skyrimvr Thread