Skyrim VR adjusting height setting, can no longer reach the floor. WMR

There is 2 ways to become as tall as the NPC.

And both have their pros and cons.

One way is that the game lifts you up into the air (well, your characters feet still touch the floor but your real feet would dangle 1 foot above the floor or so.

the pro is, that overall size is not changed to vanilla. The con is, you cant reach the floor anymore because the ingame floor is further away than the real floor.

This was possible even in the vanilla game.

The other way is, that the world shrinks until the NPC are your height.

Pro is, that you can reach the floor because ingame floor and real floor are at the same position.

This was originally only possible with ini settings. Now with VRIK calibration too.

Con of this method is, that some things shrink too much and become too small. (others may fit and some other things are still too big)

/r/skyrimvr Thread