Calc 2

In 1910 the vast majority of Americans had never graduated high school. In the 1940s America’s economy matured due to technology and employers needed workers, but still only 9 in every 100 adults went to college. College enrollment only started exploding because of the space race between the U.S and Russia when President Lyndon Johnson realized that America needed more college graduates to compete with Russia.

College was always about jobs, not about learning. You’re calling what I’m saying absurd, but what do you actually know about the history of U.S colleges? You’re implying that because I’m 20 I don’t know what I’m talking about, but you don’t seem to know much about the topic you’re talking down to me about.

Do you know when colleges started introducing courses where little to no employment existed? 1946, to take advantage of G.I bill money, and people complained about that but because colleges are “businesses”, the government allowed them to do what they pleased.

Yes, I have a choice. But do I not have a right to be angry with how colleges have operated? Do I not have a right to complain? Shouldn’t something be done to stop college greed?

Tuition is only rising, and rent is increasing. If I have a choice, it’s between a bachelors and poverty honestly. Gen Z has a lot to deal with because of inflation and college greed. I’m just angry that you’re acting like I’m some type of young fool, when I’m seriously at risk of death and homelessness because of the greed of a couple individuals.

/r/CollegeRant Thread Parent