Just found this video. Im definitely gonna get down voted; After watching this vid, im really not sure what/whom to believe

I see so many comments from the western media talking about how terrible Russia is and its soldiers for attacking Ukraine. I get that Putin is doing something bad whilst representing Russia but what about Ukraine's wrongdoings? Ukraine is really fucking racist and keeps hating on soldiers that mostly got drafted into war involuntarily and says stuff like "Oh they should realize that what they're doing is wrong and that they're hurting innocent people and should revolt against Putin~" thinking the soldiers just can turn the tank around and not get hunted for treason? Of course, Russia isn't guilty and it is sorrowful to see Ukraine getting invaded but they're not the only fucking land that's dealing with war right now. Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Kurdistan just to name a few countries that are also dealing with war for way longer than these guys have and I haven't seen anybody pray for them for forever? The bad news just came and then they suddenly got an opinion about it and can't actually try to comprehend and understand different sides of the war.

War isn't as simple as picking a side, you've got to understand who you are supporting and what the impact will be like after the war ends. Starving and inhabitable places is also terrible and because it isn't on the news every day doesn't it mean there isn't happening shit under your noses.

I support Ukraine but can definitely see its flaws. For your information I'm not an expert nor knowledgeable enough about the subject to talk about the subject, I just had an opinion.

/r/ControversialOpinions Thread Link - youtu.be