Is it just me or is the note that Youngeun sings in the first pre-chorus too high for her?

Lol I can't believe you even took the trouble to make a post about this even putting links, timings and alI... I mean what's the point? To highlight her mistakes? To me, it sounded like she did a pretty good job especially considering that she has zero vocal training prior to GP999, she came from a nugu company that was only established last year, and all in all it has just 18 trainees including Youngeun. Let's not forget Youngeun was a rapper/dancer before she became a vocalist with Kep1er. Youngeun is basically moving to a whole new field in this group because she's one of the few members who actually have the vocal range necessary to hit them high notes, yes sometimes they might not be perfect, but so what? She's young, talented and hardworking do she'll definitely get better.

/r/kep1er Thread