I mean I was also raised by a conservative family but I can’t imagine having this messed up of a world view to teach your daughters this crap. Makes me sick

I still struggle with that feeling. My father cheated on my mother my entire life. Always with different women. He financially abused her by not letting her work by threat of divorcing her and taking my sisters and I away from her if she even tried to. So she stayed to make sure that she could raise us. He didn't do shit for us except sometimes take us on bike rides till about age 10.

Then, my sisters' longest lasting relationships are with 1) a married man who refuses to leave his wife for my older sister and 2) an emotionally abusive man who cheated emotionally on my younger sister with multiple different women. I've also been berated or continuously pestered by a couple of exes for not wanting or being ready to do something sexual. So it's pretty much been beaten into me by family experiences that I'm only as good as the sex I offer to a man - so I'm a very hyper sexual person, even to the point of making myself uncomfortable, because of it. I've been trying to come to terms with that myself, but shit it's hard.

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