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Its a drink that uses coffee as an ingredient

That's fair enough, but also the coffee flavor is usually the main flavor that comes out of the drink unless you have some really wacky holiday flavor pumpkin spice whatever where it just tastes like sugary pumpkin candy or something.

All those latte drinks with tons of sugar and chocolate and whatever end up with the main flavor being coffee/espresso regardless. Coffee is pretty overpowering as a flavor. You put a little in anything, like a cake, and it ends up tasting distinctively like coffee. You make one of these latte beverages, and it ends up tasting like coffee. You make a mocha with a shit ton of chocolate, and it tastes like coffee with chocolate flavor.

I think it's fair to call those beverages "coffee" when they just taste mainly like coffee. It's not like there's a hint of coffee, it's mainly tasting like coffee.

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