Just won $1800

Dalaran WoW, I play there because it's solid for WotLK and even has a RDF, Elysium is solid for Vanilla. Hopefully I will be playing Gummy's TBC in the near future.

I usually try to stay in the background as the level toxicity, polarisation and rabid shilling on this subreddit is a bit much nowadays to find discussion here enjoyable, but I tend to report the drama shit posts and such to at least reduce the level of moaning garbage around here, I find it is slowly eroding the scene as a whole and forming a stigma on the whole community. Notably I don't "deserve" anything though as such and I don't want any paid for advantages on the servers I play on as I stand vehemently against P2W in any shape or form even if that is from "donation benefits". However I'll enter as it is my duty as an uncle to do so, we could have lots of fun with those amounts you are offering. That would cover some nice games for my nephews and me to play together like Star Wars Battlefront where we could jointly kill rebel scum. Also here's a shameless plug for /r/empiredidnothingwrong/

/r/wowservers Thread