Thoughts on this video?

Who do you call Dead culture? We Copts aren't dead, we're still here living on our lands and being proud of our heritage and Faith

How many speak Coptic today? Singing and fasting is not unique to coptic christians. So tell me what culture do you guys have?

Egyptians aren't Arabs and they were never Arabs, only a small part of Egyptians are Arabs, same thing goes to some of us being Copts, And the majority are "Egyptians"

Just look back in history. a lot of the Christian Arabs, mainly from Banu Lakhm and Banu Judham tribes, fled Syria to Egypt and North Africa in the first and second century AD running from the Roman persecution, more over, both tribes have very old roots in Yemen.

Apparently you guys can mix with greeks,persians,albanians,romans,macedonians,turks. But the idea that you have been mixed wih arabs is out of reach. Nice logic

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