Thoughts on Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? What could Israel have done differently, and what are they doing wrong today? (I will make a separate thread for Palestine tomorrow)

State should have never been Established in my opinion, and even if it did, the mass migration shouldn't have happened at said scale.

What do we do about it today? Honestly have no god dam clue. But I feel like the longer we wait the harder it will get.

I think even the parallel between my countries aid (the USA) and the actions Israel take is kind of hard to draw, I feel like without Iron Dome funding or with economic strain Israel would resort to my a lot more cheaper and quite frankly more effective offensive orientated retaliations (the best defense is offense in modern missle warfare) without the shake warnings . far larger scale attacks in response Hamas missles which would turn this into a much more bloody conflict instantly but pretty much eliminate the threat of Gaza launches pretty quickly instead of having to intercept missles with super high end expensive tech.

I think Israel actually does a good job on the warfare front based on the missle warfare front based on my best knowledge, its entirely the continued expansion, heavy police state with pretty much free reign for soldiers, and apartheid regions that are the problem.

That said, I think more should be done to hold offenses against Palestenians accountable, end apartheid in the occupied West Bank, and open dialogue, and at the minimum immediately halt new expansion. Unfortunately, there only seems to be movement in the opposite direction.

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