Kelsey Grammar is pro-life. Kelsey Grammar is canceled.

I am willing to admit that I might have to compromise but the leftist radicals won't. It isn't fair that even if we do, we will be forced to pay for abortions despite our moral opposition to it, what about our choice? Nowhere did they respond to my original post except to make fun of me. That is an admission that they believe destroying people and authoritarianism is a way to resolve this cultural difference. This is refusing to acknowledge that about half of the country is pro-life, including about half of women. They are implying that it is okay to cancel all of us. How are we Hitler when they are behaving this way? Also, it is interesting that NONE of the other women on here will provide a logical argument or comment back without insulting me or making fun of me. Again, they are supporting authoritarian cancel culture which will only lead to a backlash on the other side. They do nothing to protect women who are assaulted throughout the US, Canada, Europe now for being traditionalists or pro-life. In fact, they laugh at it or victim blame. They don't want to live in harmony despite our disagreements and to agree to disagree. They have to dominate or destroy. They will compare me to genocidal maniacs like Hitler or falsely accuse me of lunacy. However, then they get angry when I also respond in a less than kind manner. I am tired of the bullying and gaslighting and refusal to ever compromise on their side!

/r/BetterMUA Thread Parent