Kylie Jenner Exposes Chemtrails - "Trying to Wake People Up"

Kylie Jenner Exposes Chemtrails - "Trying to Wake People Up" - Leaving Her Illuminati Family?

Travis Gettys - 26 MAY 2015


A popular conspiracy theorist was excited that one of the Kardashian sisters might break away from her “Illuminati family” and alert Americans to the truth about chemtrails.

Mark Dice, best known for sending 9/11 “truther” materials to Marines serving in Iraq, discussed a recent Twitter post by Kylie Jenner – one of the stars of the reality show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.”

The reality show star – who Dice said is “worshipped by the mentally enslaved morons” – shared a viral image Monday night that asked who was paying to have airplanes disperse chemicals into the atmosphere and why.

“Is something being exterminated here?

Is that something me?” asks the text on the image, which shows a blue sky criss-crossed with condensation trails left by jets.

“Does this have anything to do with why Honey Bee’s are Dying off really fast? Why are some days normal with no planes spraying and others look like this?”

Dice complained that Jenner, as the half-sister of Kim Kardashian and daughter of Bruce Jenner, would be taken seriously as a chemtrail “expert” without knowing the facts outlined in the books he’s written – but he said 17-year-old model had Buddha-like potential.

“The man who is considered to be the first Buddha was born and raised in a very wealthy family over in India, and in his pursuit for the truth left that to live a life of no pleasures or extravagance,” Dice explained.

“So there is a chance that one of the Kardashian girls could be free.”

Dice said there had been “horrific and unclassified testing of biological agents” and weather control agents, some of which he listed, but he said most so-called chemtrails were simply contrails.

“The actual spreading of the biological agents – you know, the weather weapons – don’t have anything added into the jet fuel because the jet engine would burn it,” Dice explained.

He said weather modification programs don’t use commercial jets to disperse chemical agents into the atmosphere and mocked “stoned teenage” audience members who were interested in Jenner’s thoughts on chemtrails.

“They’ve already shut this video off after two minutes – okay, yes, Kendall Jenner’s exposed the chemtrails – that’s all I needed to know, thank you very much,” said Dice, mixing up Jenner’s first name with her older sister’s.

“Let me go onto the next conspiracy while I masturbate to murder. That’s what they like to do.”

/r/chemtrails Thread Link -