Guy disappears on his way to his daughter's birth - family finds his decapitated dead body in their barn 6 months later

I doubt he does. I translated a couple articles and there wasn't anything like that. This post keeps disappearing behind hidey-holes due to a massive amount of comments to this thread but I'd like to chime in with it:

Just because I can't for the life of me find the posts I made with translated articles much less the following due to tons and tons of comments causing them to go into the "read more messages" hidey-hole, I'd like to attach this to the top for consideration, so here goes:

I did an image search using his name. I wanted to see what they were talking about with the barn. In photos of him it seems like there is so much sadness and depression behind his eyes you can see right straight through to his heart (it seems). He looks like he is in some kind of emotional pain even in the pictures where he is smiling.


sad looking

sad eyes

editing in two more images

barn area

I can understand why his mother might not have wanted to climb up to see what's stinking. She probably smelled something too, but more or less took up the offer of investigation (of the smell) by the neighbor. After all she was just living there by herself. It looks a bit precarious.

barn roof

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