Lets make someones day.

waow u r so ignorant 1) It is a term that originated from Bhudism, that one uses to call oneself when reaching certain level of self awareness and realization. Therefore it is in fact grammatically/conceptually incorrect to call someone else other than yourself bonjwa. Only you can define whether you are bonjwa or not. 2) In modern days it is used to call anyone who does some noteworthy achievement or has obtained highest status. A politician in charge of certain party calls himself bonjwa, singer who has gained long term popularity is called bonjwa, an illegal porn uploader was called bonjwa(the notorious 김본좌) for uploading so many porn in such short time. It is NOT a sacred word and can be put to use for almost any achievement. 3) In starcraft(and I mean Korean starcraft scene) scene it was first put to use for Savior. Ever since that it became a term to call a dominant player. However, every fan has their own definition of who is bonjwa or not. The dominant claim is the 4 bonjwa in Korean SC history are Boxer, Nada, iloveoov, Savior, but even among Koreans there are many disagreements on this. and NO Flash/Jaedong are not normally considered Bonjwa(but if you want them to be bonjwa they can be, as this is not a set rule). 4) Just like the term Gosu, you don't need to win certain number of OSL/MSL or be dominant for certain duration of time or have certain number of winrate to be called bopnjwa. everyone can have their own definition and you can't really justify and say "Only who and who is bonjwa and you other people should not call this or that bonjwa". 5) All this argument over the definition is pointless because nowdays no Korean even uses the term Bonjwa in Starcraft scene. This is NOT because there is nobody worthy to be called bonjwa but because ever since the incident with the last bonjwa, savior, the word became tainted and somewhat taboo. You mention bonjwa to a Korean SC fan and the first name that will be pop up will be Savior, the doombringer of esports, he who must not be named. 6) I don't mind foreign sc fans using the term as they see fit. As incorrectly as it is used, same can be said most internet phrases, and it is nothing more than a trend. What drives me CRAZY is when I see someone try to force HIS/HER definition of bonjwa to other people. You may claim that I am doing the same thing as those bonjwa nazi, through this thread but sorry you can't do that because I'm bonjwa when it comes to defining bonjwa and I acknowledge noone else as bonjwa in this area." permalinksavereportgive goldreply

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