I might delete this comment after a certain amount of time because I don't really like making this story public.
But I'm pretty sure my late mother reincarnated into my nephew. I would never tell my sister this because I know she will freak out over this.
My mom and my sister never got along well. In fact, women in my maternal side of the family don't get along in general. When my mom got sick, she had designated my sister as power of attorney. But my sister viewed it as "just another thing she's dumping on my plate" and refused to participate when our mother got sicker. I was the only one at the hospice signing the advanced directives, etc. My sister never visited our mother in the final days, and even flew out of state to miss the funeral insisting she had to for work.
And my sister was pregnant at the time.
In Lao culture, the reincarnation cycle is 100 days from death. My sister went into labor on the 100th day and gave birth on the 101st day. When I went to visit my sister and newborn nephew for the first time is when the weird stuff started happening.
My mom on her death bed would yawn with the bottom right corner dragging down. My nephew when I first met him did the same thing. My mom and my sister were not on speaking terms when my mom died. My nephew is 4 years old and still has delayed speech. My mom played favorites with me since I was the boy. My nephew is glued to my side whenever I'm around and cries when it is time for me to leave. My sister plays favorites with her daughter instead since she is a girl. (My sister's view is a feminist parent should favor their girls to fight the patriarchy.)
I just keep seeing weird coincidences and patterns forming that keep suggesting this is all the case. My own superstition is that my mom tried so hard to reconnect with her daughter in death, that she was reborn as her first grandchild. All that being said, I want to remain neutral on the matter and treat my nephew as his own unique person. Because he is his own unique person. He isn't my mother, even if I see him gravitating toward things she liked when she was alive.
And yeah, I'm gonna delete this comment after awhile.