Landed an interview. Anyone care to look at the posting and give me some advice?

Congratulations on landing an interview! Based on the job posting, it seems like the role requires a good understanding of GIS fundamentals, as well as experience with Python programming and the ability to use ArcGIS software.

To prepare for the interview, in addition to brushing up on Python, I would recommend reviewing and practicing the following:

GIS Fundamentals: Make sure you have a good understanding of GIS concepts such as coordinate systems, data types, and analysis techniques. Familiarize yourself with ArcGIS software, especially ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, and be comfortable navigating and performing basic GIS tasks. Data Management: This job seems to involve a lot of data management, so it would be good to review best practices for data organization, storage, and sharing. Make sure you are comfortable working with databases and know how to handle different types of data (e.g. vector vs. raster). ArcGIS Online: This job posting specifically mentions ArcGIS Online, so make sure you are familiar with its capabilities and have experience using it to create and share maps and data. If you haven't used it before, consider signing up for a free account and trying out some of its features. Problem-Solving: This role seems to involve a lot of troubleshooting and problem-solving, so be prepared to talk about times when you have had to troubleshoot GIS issues or come up with creative solutions to problems. Overall, my advice would be to be honest about your level of experience with Python and GIS, but also show that you are willing to learn and are enthusiastic about the field. Good luck with your interview!

/r/gis Thread