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Its the Thwargle bug people have been banging their heads against the sand with for years.

The initial cover story was that "people shouldn't be using it a certain way and they should read the instructions", these massive jerks came up with every excuse in the book and lied their faces off and then backpedaled and then bluffed about how they would consider a patch if I submit it. I called their bluff and submitted a patch for it.

Months later when I noticed the patch I submitted wasn't applied is that apparently instead of applying it back then hell and co. decided to go the extra mile or some shit but never got around to it.

The philosophy of Thwargle and Hellswrath is that users need to be punished and gaslit for not RTFMing. They also enjoy it when users out themselves in public forums because of the publicity it gives them when confused first-time users post this issue who had the inclination to dare run in bot army mode [because the UI is more functional] without fulfilling the advanced setup requirements. The result is a confusing-as-fuck launcher that kills AC when it can't detect that the magic sauce installed. It's like a self-driving car that floors it and wrecks whenever it encounters an unknown scenario.

Replies are turned off and I don't monitor this account so you (Hells/Thwarg) can save your foam and spit for someone who believes a damn word you say at this point.

/r/AsheronsCall Thread