Me getting banned for throwing a decoy

Look dumbass there's somebody in their team with -2 kills meaning they either tk him or suicide twice meaning they had to so when the game beraly even started so they were OBVIOUSLY qued up together to troll meaning they didn't tk each other most likely and either killed themselves with nades or killed him, nobody else has score meaning he carried his team around like a sack of fucking potatos and theres no proof of him tking because winning 4 rounds and having 6 points probably means he survived rounds by running out of time and then got found and killed, the 6 points he got were from 2 points for a kill 1 for assist and 3 points for survival, maybe he did team kill? But how the fuck is it his fault as his team are obviously trolling.

Learn to read the scoreboard or better yet stfu and never speak a word again. You're useless.

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