Why should israel give up land or settle for peace?

The big preventer of Israeli aggression, it is not the Arabs it's actually the West. Sanctions and threats and stuff from the West is what prevents Israel from going full aggressive and expansionist. It's not Israelis, even leftists are like "well we can't do that because sanctions and the ICC", I see this more than "we can't do that because it's wrong".

Sometimes I see Arab nationalists, say things like "once the West is done, we will destroy you". But I think this is delusional. The West is what protects the Arabs. The West also gives them trillions of dollars for their mineral resources, oil and so forth. The West funds UNRWA and puts food in the mouths of Palestinians. For the Arab world, the West builds their buildings and gives them their weapons. You'll say oh China is the alternative, actually look like China's stuff a lot of it just copies of Western stuff. They even copied the IAI Lavi. China also doesn't care about international law, for them it's the same thing, they are appeasing the West.

/r/IsraelPalestine Thread