As a trans woman, I'm at my wits end being told to keep out of women's spaces. I want opinions from the women here.

Ok, a the risk of being incredibly ignorant ... (as I have no idea what you feel in your body)

I would say it is sad to hear that you are not comfortable with the body you were born in. I'm on the fence as to whether I think surgery is a good idea (because I have no idea what I am talking about), but its something along the lines of me wondering if society brainwashing our minds when we are young about what a woman is and what a man is has somehow led to you feeling you need to go through a physical transformation to be "right". I think you are perfect just the way you are, but again it is your body, your mind, your choice and I'm sure people worth a damn will support you and your decisions.

I would say that you look masculine then some of the comments you get could be a misunderstanding, but again I have no idea of the situation.

I would also say that society is resistant to change and what you are experiencing seems par for the course when you look back to segregation based on race. I wouldn't give up and I would remain strong of mind.

I would say that I would prefer to not have spaces based on gender in general. Its not like "bits" are a big secret anyways. Then all this mess goes away and you can go wherever you want no matter your appearance

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread