Looking for some tips on grouping, or to be specific, how to set up lights in separate bedrooms but not have them all turn on when using a voice assistant..

I use bedroom just for my room and name the other rooms. The issue starts is when you want to individualize similar items with lights in each room. (multiple items in one room)

Living room floor lamp, living room fan light, bedroom lamp, kitchen lamp, ceiling lamp light etc You have to call each room and name out if you want one by one specific. Normally when I get home, I say turn on all lights, for all lights and than shut off the ones I dont want from the app or Google home hub display once inside. or call out the rooms to shut off once in. Sometimes I just say 'turn on living room lights' for all the lights in that room. Bedroom would be my room, spare, guest bedroom would be a 2nd or whatever you name it. If you have multiple floor lamps in various rooms you have to say the room name+bulb name like Den floor lamp. Its long winded, its easier when home to use the on-sceen home hub display as a physical location for on and off button press and voice for easier ones.

3rd way i've been doing it for more control is, say I pull up home or almost home. I just use the google home app, select the room and turn what I want on. I try and stay with basics like living room lamp light to be specific or bedroom lamp light. The easiest way would be just using the Google home display hub inside a room so you have full button press control in one area.

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