Other than love bombing do narcs ever apologise (and properly)

Usually took a few hours of explanation to make him say "I apologize" like a robot.

Then I saw that a self-aware narc wrote he says "I apologize" when he cognitively admits he did something wrong he says "I apologize", and if he emotionally feels something "I'm sorry".

When I think about my nex... he never apologized on his own, unless I pointed out. Even if I had explained a few hours why he was fucked up, and he finally agreed, if I hadn't pointed it out, he never said anything. No matter what awful things he had done, it didn't matter. It required a long explanation and pointing out he hadn't even apologized. And in 99% cases he said "I apologize", not "I'm sorry". I think the 1% cases were when I said it was shitty that he couldn't even say "I'm sorry", instead of saying "I apologize" like a robot.

Right. They don't really feel sorry or guilty emotionally.

/r/pnsd Thread