It looks like the Section 14 arrests from both weeks of the October XR action have been overturned, which likely means a lot of reparations fr wrongful arrest.

I'm not sure I understand the analogy. In that instance you would be using bad Intel to enforce the law against theft. However I would be culpable for wasting time and lying. In the XR case no one lied except for whomever applied the blanket ban by twisting section 14 to suit their purposes.

I guess my issue is that any law can seemingly be twisted and justified as lawful - so for example if some superior officer decided to twist a law to mean that gay people couldn't congregate (or something similar). Sure it would be lawfully enforced until overturned, but it's not the most moral thing. And surely officers should be able to act with discretion in those instances?

At what point would individual officers be held accountable for this sort of thing?

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