Love them or detest them - Why The_Donald Needs to Stay

As someone that hates the alt-left and alt-right, SJWs and Evangelicals, Trump and Clinton/Obama because their words and actions are usually in opposition of each other....

Is The_Donald engaging in voting manipulation? Maybe, but enoughtrumpspam is not? They might not be as successful at it, but they still hit the front page pretty constantly. Why is doxxxing only an issue from the right? While they are not as bad now, we all know of reddits history towards liberal/feminist groups that engaged in that behavior. Why is voting manipulation bad from the right? Why is only racism (I was reading ETS and /r/hillaryclinton the night of the election..) only a bad thing from the right? Walk the walk admins and mods when it comes to the people you otherwise agree with and maybe I will take this as more than a transparent attempt to silence a political opponents sub.

Besides reddit has done everything it can to piss them off too. Claims that were proven when the CEO stealth edited comments (should have just removed them, and been transparent) and the day the front page was flooded with low vote TD submissions, I now wonder how many of the other claims from TD users are true. Couple of the mods were doxxed and now I wonder if there was inside help, because we have seen at least 2 examples where that integrity of the system was not a huge deal for reddit.

To the admins and powermods that want to shut TD down: Walk the walk with your own deplorables otherwise its going to be seen as nothing more than a bunch of butthurts losers using whatever BS they can to shut down a political opponents sub.

/r/self Thread