because trying to pretend Nazism and Communism are the same

I literally said in my comment that nazism is much much worse than communism, but that both are bad. I never said they were “the same” because they’re wildly different systems. The outcome though of mass genocide seems to be consistent with both ideologies at least, just though different means of achieving it.

communists have a much better track record of being on the right side of history

Give me a fucking break. Starving your populace through forced famines and murdering dissidents isn’t the “right side of history”

Just because the US did bad things throughout its history doesn’t absolve the atrocities committed by communist regimes. At least the US owns up to its mistakes and tries to fix the woes of the past.

I also never said there were “good nazis” so don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not taking about the original poster, I’m talking about how the sentiment of hating both communists and nazis is considered bad, when it should be common sense.

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