Lyrical life lessons

Hell yeah dude, thanks for sharing this. I’m not sure if this exactly relates to morality, or to what you are getting at, but for me one of the biggest things i take away from Slug as a lyricist is his honesty. He seems so fearless in regards to exposing the ugly sides of himself. From Lucy Ford till now he’s basically been calling himself out on all his own bull shit, imo. Just to be totally open and honest about his flaws and his shortcomings, I think its a thread that runs through all of his music. Makes me wanna be more honest with myself and my loved ones and not try and hide the flaws about myself. Not sure exactly if im articulating myself perfectly, or if this exactly relates to what you were originally posting about, but yeah, the kind of moral code that i’ve been inspired to adopt, partly by Slug and his music, is the ability to be more honest and open, especially about all the ways that im imperfect, and to be cool with it…

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