I have a maintenance inspecton for furnace / AC tomorrow. What should I be wary of?

I've been in the industry for 15 years. I know exactly how this predatory industry works. You're telling me I should replace a 10mfd +- 6% cap reading 9.3? Why? That thing could run another 20 years with that cap. Whose to say a new one you install won't read that same thing 1 month from now?

How high of an amp reading do you need to see on a motor before you suggest replacement? If normal amp draw on a motor is 2amps, are you suggesting replacement at 2.1, 2.5, 2.8?

Does anyone including yourself hook gauges up to your car a/c just to "check" the charge? Are you really asking your mechanic to check the wiring or amp draw of your fan motors? Do you really have your mechanic prematurely replace O2 sensors? Nope you keep the oil changed and drive your car.

Just like keeping your filter changed on your furnace and call it good. Stop trying to scam people and sell them stuff they don't need.

Look I get it, nobody wants to be hot on a hot day with a blown up cap, but you nor anyone here can guarantee the cap you throw in and charge $300+ on a "check up" won't blow up two days from install.

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