This man is just so wonderful. Watch this to get instantly in a good mood.

I'm also not a fan of Hamill. I've always said its important to separate the actor from the character and the art from the artist. Luke Skywalker is simply a fictional character. You can be a fan of Luke without having to be a fan of Hamill.

That being said, I'm staunchly pro-life, but you're actually kind of misrepresenting that situation. Its unknown how true his son's girlfriend's side of the story is. I'm not excusing the Hamill family's actions, as what happened is clearly despicable, but for all we know, the woman could have been a gold-digger trying to baby-trap Mark's son into child support payments, and then Mark's wife and son went on to use some very harsh tactics to try and get rid of the baby. In my opinion, neither side may be innocent here. If you read the whole story and some of the other articles on it, the girlfriend claims to have been on birth control when she got pregnant, and in this day and age where access to birth-control methods is unrestricted, I find it hard to believe that she got pregnant while on the pill. Not to mention, she was an adult-film actress to begin with, and she admitted to lying about the situation when it was going on, and she already had an abortion previously to the situation with Mark's son. The way I see it, both parties may be to blame. Then again, everything she says may have been 100% true. There is no way of really knowing for sure. Its kind of impossible to determine the truth with the current information, its a he-said/she-said story. I highly doubt the full details will ever come out.

Even so, the woman said on Twitter that Mark only ever said one thing to her about it, he wasn't actually involved in pressuring her into getting an abortion.

I know he said that she "shouldn't bring a child into the world that nobody wants," which in itself is a horrible thing to say, but him saying one bad thing to her about it vs. bullying her into getting an abortion are two completely different things.

Still horrible, but he didn't actually bully her, it was more so his wife and son.

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