Market Open thread for General Trading and Plans for Tuesday, September 07, 2021

CTT looks very promising, in my uninformed opinion.


CTT is largely internally owned and operated. This is notwithstanding the fact that a significant portion of its equities are held by hedge funds. What does this suggest? Hedge funds are traditionally active investors in the business of engineering outcomes rather than passive investing. Yet, those funds hold Dean Mintz (CTT's CEO and majority owner) in high enough esteem to relinquish active control of their investment.

Concerns with CTT's supply chain

Recent concerns were raised in regards to CTT's supply chain, with some questioning the wisdom behind CTT's heavy reliance on grey market wholesalers. In truth, this is one of CTT's greatest strengths. Luxury goods are Veblen goods. In other words, scarcity (artificially engineered, or otherwise) is the name of the game. So in a thriving luxury goods market the supply of goods is controlled by grey market dealers.

A strong connection to the grey market is required for a reliable supply of inventory. This concept isn't well understood by the general public. Which isn't unsurprising, given that only the top 5% of earners can afford to indulge in luxury goods. This disconnect will cause CTT to outperform market expectations, which will translate to healthy gains for the smart money. Evidently Cat Rock Capital agrees with me.

Disclaimer: DYOR. I don't know shit about fuck.

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