[Meta] Halloween Short Story Contest!

“I dared you! You have to do it.” Suzy shouted as I turn the door knob in my hand. I could not shake this sense of foreboding, as we stood on the rickety front porch of the abandoned house down the block. “Fine… but you’re coming with me. And you better not run away either.” I responded, squinting my eyes through the foggy glass that was illuminated by my flashlight. Click. I slowly turned the knob, and to my surprise, the door wasn’t even locked. “Damn it.” I muttered under my breath. “There goes my last chance to back out.” Tap tap tap. The sound came from behind me as the light went out. “Boo!” Suzy screamed. I jumped, barely managing to stifle my scream, before realizing it was just Suzy playing a prank on me. “Don’t do that you jerk! This place is worse enough without you around.” I chided as she turned back on the light and looked at me with a face of glee. “You’re such a scaredy-cat, Daniel. I love teasing you!” Suzy replied while looking at me with a fondness in her eyes. “Yeah, well who else would put up with you?” I said as I looked around, guiding my view with the small flashlight. “This place is OLD. Look at these paintings! Jesus, that one is creepy…” Painting “Mn.” Suzy said, acknowledging what I said with only a single sound. “Let’s keep looking around. Maybe we’ll find something locked away in the basement, or a magical book?” “Jesus Christ, Suzy! Only you would WANT to stir up trouble for yourself. C’mon, let’s start exploring the other rooms on the first floor before we go up the stairs.” I said, as I flashed my light at her feet before pointing it in the other direction. Aside from the medieval feel with the decorative suits of armor and paintings, this place wasn’t so bad. Well, it was really dusty though. With lots of cobwebs. Yuck. We slowly made our way from the lobby of the house to the next, nearest adjacent room to our right. As I cleared the cobwebs with my hand, wiping it on my jeans after, I shined my light inside the room. Cocoons. Maybe hundreds of them. The inside of the room was covered with them. “What the fuck? Holy shit!” I managed, as I immediately backpedaled away from the room. It was at this moment, that I felt something pierce into my lower back. A hot, searing feeling made its way up my back, before being replaced by a nice, cold, and relaxing one. “Ah…” I said quietly, as I turned to look at Suzy, or what she used to be. Fangs grew out of her pretty face, as it quickly became distorted and ugly. Whatever it was, it wasn’t Suzy. This monster must have eaten her… and I’m next. Damn it… I wish I never entered this place. I could no longer endure this comforting feeling, as I started to lose consciousness. My final moments were of it wrapping me up in a cocoon as its hideous face seemed to be lit with anticipation and hunger. The End.

Happy Halloween~

/r/noveltranslations Thread