Minecraft no longer needs pre-installed Java, and comes with a large performance increase!

That is one of the many overheads.

What else do you mean, then?

In games, where we care about performance first and foremost, it does

My point was that the pattern of virtual method invocation on a bunch of different types in a generic container doesn't come up that often, in general, since you usually know what something is. It wasn't that the performance doesn't matter.

OOP fanboi

The problem here is that you are reducing people who disagree with you to strawmen who you don't respect so you don't see the difference in the situations of the value of their points, just how wrong you think everything about them must be.

You'll be less naïve when you've actually shipped a few games instead of playing some theoretical Devil's Advocate

The point here is that I want you to explain the concrete issues behind your argument. I don't find value in reducing technical concepts into platitudes or soundbites which don't actually explain the issues that they have.

So far, the only concrete argument I have heard is pause time non-determinism, which is the area where I agree soft realtime environments, such as games, are most sensitive. Beyond that, I have found your statements to be either directed at me, vague issues regarding containers which may be vtable dispatch due to unknown receiver type or something else, or just directed at this nebulous "fanboi" army of strawmen. I don't really care about your negative views of these people who don't exist.

Also, you have been ignoring any statements I have made which leads me to think that maybe you are under the impression that I am making the "there can be only one" argument, here. I am not. At no point did I say there was anything wrong with approaching this any other way (in fact, I pointed out good examples of where other approaches are both high-performance and elegant). I just want the concerns to be concrete and the understanding of them to be fleshed out. Making the "Minecraft sucks because.. Java" argument doesn't really pan out since the fundamentals would be a long-standing cost whereas we have seen more recent regressions in many cases. It generally works so that isn't the issue. The problems it has are something more specific. The popularity of this thin view is a distraction from actually understanding the problem.

/r/Minecraft Thread Link - howtogeek.com