Mk 677 (ibutamoren) for more breast development?

Based on what I understand it's not worth fucking around with drugs that will artificially affect your growth hormones. No one understands enough about it to justify the risk of acromegaly or any other risks associated. Supposedly this drug MK677 will boost your IGF-1. But IGF-1 is not the only growth hormone that predicts breast development.

And since you are asking for anectdotes, most of the ones I've read on this site about the supplement are something along the lines of: "ye i took it for 9 months and i didnt notice much of a difference" or "i felt crazy and my appetite went nuts".

My understanding is you are better off just boosting your IGF-1 (and the range of other growth hormones all together) the old fashioned way. Eat more chicken.

Here's a good nutrition/public health expert Dr. Michael Gregor speaking on IGF-1 and protein intake:

Side note, recommend his videos for other diet-related health topics as well as he a professional who backs everything up with big studies in addition to taking into account who is funding any of the given studies.

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