Mosaic virus, sport variegation, or monstera contorta variegata?

People are way to quick to jump to the "dasheen" conclusion when 9 times out of 10 that's not the case at all. the majority of the community is highly uneducated about mosaic viruses. I dont even understand why everyone chose to focus on DMV in particular when There are 100s of different mosaics. There's also 100s more different viruses in general that can present symptoms that look similar to variegation. But believe it or not, only about 6% of them are harmful to plants health. The majority of variegation mimicking viruses are a carefully designed defense mechanism that allows both the virus and the plant to live a longer life. Not only that, but there has been a massive increase in solid green species beginning to produce variegation in recent studies. Other Studies are beginning to show that these plants are evolving and developing varying mutations to make their growth appear to have a virus. This works as yet another defense mechanism/survival technique to deter pests because most viruses are more lethal to the pest than the host plant.

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