"Mr. Candle Cares/Red Belt" Reaction/Discussion

Hyped up Starco and spat in its face by what Star says to Mr Candle. People must be disappointed. But honestly, it still could happen as we don't know what her "Thoughts on Marco" are. I feel they had this episode after the first just to derail people from Starco after episode 1. If Starco is gonna be a thing, I'm glad they did it this way. Considering this show is apparently heavily inspired by anime(idk if it is, maybe I'm confusing that with people comparing it to anime), I'm glad they didn't have like Star blush when she said that and make it super obvious to the audience. If no Starco planned, I guess this was just a big fuck you to Starco fans lol.

As far as these episodes' content, both were pretty funny in my book. I don't feel like they were pointless filler like some have.

[Spoilery bits](Mr Candle Cares gave Tom some needed character development and is setting up perhaps a friendship with Marco down the line and of course, it brought focus to the idea of Star is going to be queen one day thing which will no doubt in my mind be focused on later in the series. Red Belt gave us more insight into the Sensei character and the beginning sequence is what is important. It establishes imo that Marco is worried about his future which will also be focused on probably down the line as well. I'm sure there is other shit it is hinting at and I could be wrong, but that's what I took out of the dream sequence. Like it seems him getting his red belt is just the beginning for him)

/r/StarVStheForcesofEvil Thread