My buddy was digging through his uncle’s pics from Vietnam and found what appears to be a BAR with a 40 round magazine

"all of which were equipped with bump stocks"

Lemme correct that for you.

"all of which were equipped with a silly toy that people bring to the gun range to show off how cool they are and make them feel bigger about their tiny dick or to make youtube videos with but aren't actually viable in a tactical situation whatsoever because not only is full-auto literally useless except when suppressing a large group of tangoes, but a bumpstock is less controllable than a legit automatic firearm."


I'm sick of this myth about automatic guns. If the Vegas cunt had used a regular AR without the bump stock, you'd have seen 2x the death rate, at the very least. It's scary having a KISH KISH KISH KISH KISH sound over your head from a full auto weapon, but on the shooter's end, all he sees is his scope bouncing all over the place as his manlet cuck hands fail to keep control of his rifle.

"if that isn't an issue."

I guess you're speechless, honey. Do you know what the GAU-19B is? It's a minigun. A fucking MINIGUN. Not only is it a minigun, or a fucking MINIGUN, but it's a fucking MINIGUN that shoots .50 BMG rounds. Am I supposed to fight that shit with a fucking 10 round mag of .223? Ever heard of a MilKor MGL? A 120mm M1028 Canister Shell? A CBU-100? I'm supposed to see these things that at some point in the future may be pointed back at me and say "Gee, sure glad I agreed to that ban of any mag higher than 10 rounds!" The point of the 2nd amendment is not as much defense against a tyrannical government (as some mouthbreathing boomers love to tout) as it is a deterrent. If we were limited to 5 round bolt guns, they'd have no problem sweeping us up. But shit, a civilian base armed with 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 round mags of a round capable of extreme cavitation and fragmentation within 180m from a 20 inch barrel? Fuck. Abrams is tough as shit but you can't really get rid of an insurgency with just a tank, can you? Combined arms warfare exists for a reason. You need boots. Boots are not bulletproof. Our guys have enough trouble facing rifles that can literally barely hit anything past 300m and have no transport besides mules and the odd motorbike here and there, and they're threatened by this to the point that they evolved from the softskin humvee to the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected truck with IFV, MBT, and CAP/CAS overhead cover.

The biggest problem I have with the mag cap ban is that it does nothing. it doesn't stop anything. Murders are very rarely more than one or two at a time. A 10 round mag? That's 10 murders if the guy doing it isn't a moron. Is that okay with you? Sure it is! You WANT only 10 round mags! This ban only limits people who're actually trying to live according to law and survive while doing so. Quick pro tip about crims: they break the law! Shocking, huh? You think a car full of dudes on their way to light up a rival gang member's house gives a fuck about mag cap? They get caught with the guns, they're going to jail regardless. Might as well get a hold of some black market 32 round mags.

"But if we make it illegal they can't get those mags!"

Buddy I got about a 1/4 ounce of bud and like 6 tabs of 'cid sitting next to me. Tell me how hard it is to get illegal things, again, please? Tell me again about how black markets don't form when governments make things illegal? Tell me again about how my friend didn't just sell 2 lbs of weed to someone in plain daylight without a problem? I'm not even a stoner, and I can get weed like nobody's business. You think someone in a well connected gang can't get new mags? Tell me again about how the Prohibition never happened because when you make things illegal, nobody wants them anymore?



Personally, the cause of gun violence in this country is 2 things.

  1. The war on drugs. I should not have to dive into this, but when you're restricting drugs to the point when people are shooting eachother on the street for the CHANCE to sell those drugs to other people...

  2. Unchecked psychos. That shooter in Broward was called in multiple times as a fuckin threat to society. They did nothing. The government wants you to get rid of your guns because they say they'll protect you, yet they let someone with red flags popping up every 12 seconds or so just keep on going like there's no issue. Is there a dissonance there, you think? I don't blame those shooters for the dead kids. They were sick, fucked up creatures. Animals. I don't blame a lion for eating a human that crosses into their territory. I do blame, however, the guy responsible for putting up the fence AROUND the Lion's territory. Capiche? The guy who says "Oh don't worry that lion won't eat you, please don't take any measures to defend yourself from it" isn't responsible for your death when the lion just waltzes over and eats you?

My arguments come from a place of logic. I don't care who's more popular. I don't care who has loftier ideals. I don't care for some magical, imaginary future utopia. I care for fact. I care for reason. I care for cause and effect, stimuli and reaction. I care for removing myself from the situation and seeing who really won with myself not present, and why. I care for looking at what happens when X reacts with Y, and deducting that Z is the result. I wouldn't believe the things I do without significant thought and research. The mere idea of having some thought that lives past the phase of conception without giving it a trial by fire disgusts me.

All ideas are worthy, nay, deserving and requiring of analysis with a fine-tooth comb and a microscope. Any ideal that falls out of this range falls back into the range of the occult; nothing more than some wild ideas peddled by crazies with the sole intent of shifting their bizarre, dissonant hallucinations onto the masses. I'm not gonna go A. Jones here and start talking about the WHY for these anti-gun laws. I'm just explaining that they're there, and what they do. And what the results of their implementation are.

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