My buddy got a phone call from the cops.

I had something similar happen two Thanksgivings ago driving my car. I was supposed to meet my family at a nice restaurant over 90 miles away for Thanksgiving around noon. Except there was one problem, I left myself just under 60 minutes to get there. So, any idiot can do the math. I would have to average 90 mph to make it on time. The majority of the trip is a highway (2 lanes each direction) with a speed limit of 55 mph for about 40 miles before increasing to 65 mph for about the next 40 miles, and then decreasing again on smaller streets as I got closer to my destination. None of those speed limits really matter because of course I wasn't going to be paying any attention at all to them.

So, to make a long story short, I made it to the restaurant at exactly noon, right on time. I was so pleased with myself. Much of the drive I was exceeding 110 mph while making my way through traffic. Nothing really dangerous or anything. I speed a lot, but I'm not an asshole (I realize that some might not agree). I don't flip people off, don't tailgate excessively. I just weave my way through the holes.

The day after thanksgiving, my mother and step father were in NYC to see a musical or some shit and I get a phone call from my mother. It's unusual for my mother to just call me without first texting because I work a ton and can't always talk, so she usually checks to see if I have a minute to talk. So, I answered because I knew there must be a good reason. She explains to me that a detective from the state police had called and spoken to her. He called her because my car was in both our names at the time, and I guess she was the first name on the registration. She told me that he said he was driving with his family when I flew by well in excess of 100 mph and cut between his vehicle and a tractor trailer as I changed lanes. I vaguely remember doing that. He said he tried to catch up, and tried to call in my vehicle info, but I guess no trooper was able to intercept me. But he had my tag info.

He tells her that I need to either call him within the next few days, or he will come find me himself. Rather than have my mother worrying about this all weekend, I decided I would just call him right then and get it out of the way. So, I call him and he's wanting to meet up with me at either his troop or the troop that is closer to where I live. We start talking some more and I'm being very contrite and not denying a thing. I explained why I was going that fast while also admitting that it was not a good excuse. He tells me he's looked at my driving record and that it's basically the model of an aggressive driver. I've accumulated 40 points over the years and had almost that many dismissed or reduced by plea bargaining.

Anyhow, after talking for a bit, he decided we didn't need to meet, and that my attitude towards him and the situation was good enough that he didn't feel the need to escalate things any further. So, I called my mother to let her know that I wasn't going to be arrested or anything and that she could go on enjoying her weekend.

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