My local race track was busy today...

Oh my god. In the thread above you said your bike does 115 and that, quote, “now I just go 115 at best and don’t do as much stupid shit as I used to.” Then you go on to say that you’re going back to sport bikes soon. So you admit to driving 115, and that you still do stupid shit (just not as much), and that you’re gonna go back to sport bikes so you can go faster than 115. Sorry dude, if you wreck and splatter your brains, it won’t be a loss cause you haven’t used your brains in years. I don’t know if I’ve ever met a more addle-minded idiot. Like I said, it’s too late for you. You and your buddies on this page are bottom feeders. And once again, shame on your parents for how they raised you. Now the rest of us have to put up with the likes of you. Geez.

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