My.Girl deserved to get banned(change my mind)

The problem is that you are answering a fundamentally different question.

If you asked a person what their favorite color was and they answer "people can have whatever favorite color they want, would you accept that as an answer to your question?

No. You would say that you agree that people are allowed to have whatever favorite color they want, I am asking you what your favorite color is. And then they just repeat that they can have a favorite color.

Also, did you seriously block /u/PrizeLoss ? If so, you SHOULD feel embarrassed for being such a coward. You SHOUDLN'T block people because it actively prevents them from engaging in your comments on a subreddit where other people might want to hear what that person has to say and you are taking that decision away from those people.

Yes, you CAN block people. But, I am saying you SHOULDN'T do that because it is harmful to discourse. If you want to remove yourself from a conversation, then you SHOULD choose to just remove yourself and stop replying.

/r/mrgirlreturns Thread Parent