My rat session from may 29th. Looking for critiques mainly on form. Also please take a look at video description for specific slo mo times I'm mainly concerned on.

You're about what, 5'10?

I'd say you need to work on your angles/distances. You seem to square up to the shooter, not the puck which is setting you up usually too far over to your blocker side, leaving your glove side open. That's not to say you should square up to the puck perfectly, because then you will be compensating too much to the puck side and leave your opposite side open, but you definitely need to square up a little more to the puck than the shooter which it seems like you're doing now (squaring up to the shooter).

Your glove hand should be out in front of your body so you can see your full glove (or at least most of it) in the corner of your eye, not right beside you. This will help you with your glove hand and tracking the puck into your glove which you should always be doing (follow the glove all the way into your body).

Also, you tend to break your wrist with your glove hand it looks like, letting the glove fall back at the top and opening up your glove hand a bit allowing for pucks to avoid or hit and deflect past you. Holding your glove out front will help fix this but also angling your glove towards the ice instead of perpendicular to the ice would help with that.

And your last big problem right now I think is it looks like you're sitting back in your stance too much, which leads you to falling over onto your butt a couple times when you go down to make a save. I think you need to play on the balls of your feet a bit more to fix this, and lean forward in your stance/stand a little taller in your stance to fix this. You don't look like you're a big guy (6'1+) so you need to squeeze every inch out of your body that you can. Stay small and hunching over in your stance when you aren't being screened is the opposite of that and it's hurting you I think in your ability to make saves. Actually that's what it looks like when you're in your stance and a shooter is coming down on you, you look like you get more and more into stance that Id say you should only really be in when you're being screened. You drop your butt more and more and start lowering your upper body that way closer to the ice almost like you want to jump onto the puck but don't which is just making you smaller and giving up more of the net. It also puts your center of gravity back and has you fall backwards a couple times, which then forces you to make some desperation saves. In perticular, the slowed down save you make at 5:45, while nice, in a perfect world when you pushed back across after going from your right to left, (so now you're going left to right) you would have stayed up in a butterfly position and came back across square to the shooter. Instead, you stop your momentum with your left heel and then push off with it, which sends your body falling backwards and you have to reach back with your stick to make the save. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice save, and your initial push off and stop and push back across the net is all pretty good and nice, and the fact that you made it back across the net to make the save is good but just for improvements sake, it'd be better if you got back across the net sitting up in the butterfly or half butterfly, which would come from you pushing off with the balls of your feet instead of your heels I believe. You actually do it again at 6:53, push off with your heel which sends you sprawling backwards and making a desperation move to cover the net with your glove.

Outside of that, quickness would be my next gripe but that just comes with doing the moves over and over and over and over and over again until you can do them in your sleep. I think right now if I were you, I'd work on being bigger in my stance, not shrinking so much when a shooter is coming in on me and just lateral movement with the balls of my feet. Just when you warm up before playing, go post to post as much as possible and stop and push off with the balls of your feet instead of your heels. That's not to say you're always on your heels, but you do seem to like leaning back onto them when you're deep in your net and fall back on them it looks like.

Other than that, I'd like to see some video from the front. But overall, yea your glove hand needs work. Keeping it out in front of you a bit more instead of right beside you should help fix that, and angling it into the ice should help with your breaking your wrist backwards. Standing more upright in your stance and leaning a bit more forward instead of back in your stance would help with this and working on squaring up to the puck more than the shooter would probably all be good ideas.

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