My two cents about the Eternal Update and the state of the Subreddit

Going to prepare to be downvoted to oblivion, since this is apparently the standard response in this subreddit right now to everyone saying "The eternal update isn't the worst thing to ever happen in the history of the universe".

Can you provide examples of this? links, comments or threads were people are being downvoted because they said the update is fun?

If you're offended by differing opinions and don't want to have a discussion

Why would anyone be offended by differing opinions? has this happened before? can you provide examples of this again? real examples like a link to a comment or a screenshot.

please misuse that downvote button already and get out of this thread.

Because being condescending and asking people who do not agree with you to leave the thread is OK?

Honestly, I think most of the hate that's thrown around on this subreddit right now comes from a "I'm playing the game exactly how I used to on normal and it kicks my ass hard, TOO HARD PLS NERF!"-mentality.

Can you provide examples of this? most people seem to complain about things becoming tedious, boring and unfun instead of hard. (the top comment of this post being a good example of this)

The update switched a lot of stuff around - attack and movement patterns, spawn rates, item effects, background statistics. There are many things that nobody can possibly be used to - which, yes, will cause many players to fail numerous early runs. But, honestly, did any of you beat the original Isaac on their first try, without knowing any of the, well, attack and movement patterns, spawn rates, item effects and background statistics?

What, people complain about the new attack patterns? from what i see in most comments the problem is the HP of eternal enemies.

Of course you're going to have to alter your playstyle. Be less liberal with bombs, for instance, so you can keep them for bosses (which hardly anyone seems to do in normal Isaac play); would you rather have that soul heart etched in that tinted rock, or have to use less shots and time in case an eternal boss comes up, or even bomb yourself out of a room with an early eternal enemy you can't handle? For comparison, did you honestly play The Lost like you played every other character? Or did you make appropriate modifications to your playstyle as required by the different circumstances in his runs?

Again, i don't think anyone is complaining about this, most people seem to like the new hard mode way more than the one from rebirth, and even call it what the one from rebirth should have been.

And about all the D6 hate that's being thrown around: First of all, it's a hard mode only change. The change exists because it makes the game harder, and also adds another risk/reward mechanism to the game - are you really sure you need to reroll that item and have it potentially turn into nothing, or is the item really so awful that having nothing would actually be preferable to having it? And if it actually is, then where's the difference to just not picking it up (like, for instance, with a character who doesn't have the D6)? You have to make do with what you are offered - or you can take the risk and try to switch it out for something different, with the possibility looming that it'll turn into nothing (but, well, if you didn't want to pick it up anyway, then where's the big problem?).

Enemies are bullet sponges, yes, and I wouldn't be against a slight HP nerf (this is the only real major issue I have with the update), but most of the functional complaints ("OMG D6 SUX NOW", "OMG OP ATTACK PATTERNS", "OMG CARPET BOMBING") I can really not understand - because it seems like the people those complaints come from don't understand that you have to drastically alter your playstyle if you really want to get anywhere in this mode. It's supposed to be hard; it's right there in its name. If it really were impossible, we wouldn't have "I beat it" posts on the frontpage mere hours after its release.

There is hard and there is unfun,unfair tedious shit, not everyone complains about it being hard, what everyone hates is how this new hard mode is fucking insane, there's a fine line between hard and a chore, and florian used it to draw a dick.

I really think it's despicable to see everyone who says that they enjoy the update downvoted into the bottomless pits of hell, just because they, well, actually enjoy a free update.

1) Again, you should provide examples of this, were is this poor people that is being opressed and downvoted to oblivion because they think the update is fun? 2) "ITS FREE YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL", oh yes, thank you florian, your new and unfair update in an already outdated game literally cured my cancer.

The up and downvote buttons are meant to encourage discussion and discourage echo chambers.

Are you being naive in purpose? or should we ignore the fact that circlejerks/upvoted puns are a thing?

but the way they are used right now, only negative and hateful comments about the update will actually rise to the top and get noticed

maybe a lot of people think the update is not that good? you know there is 1000+ people behind these upvotes right?

I realize that many people are disappointed and disillusioned, and probably expected more from the update, but I don't see why that means that we shouldn't have an actual discussion about it.

From your point of view it seems like an "actual discussion" is one where people only agree with you, everyone is nice and we praise you for going against the "evil people" from this subreddit, so no, thank you.

Remember, we're all one community

It doesn't mean shit, reddit is not a hivemind

Let's not create artificial fronts just because a free update to a year-old game may have caused polarizing reception.

Oh, like the artificial front you just created where this imaginary tyranical people are downvoting the good people that had "fun" with the update?

You're so full of shit OP i would replace dingle with your face.

/r/bindingofisaac Thread