Isaac Daily Discussion - June 08, 2021

Repentance: extremely overpowered and surprisingly fun Lost run, however I missed some rooms, wasted a bunch of schwag and since that thief of oxygen has Eternal D6 I probably missed a FMN or some other horseshit which will inevitably ruin my currently 1st place

Afterbirth+ : extraordinarily horrible blue baby run, it's a run so bad boss rush takes ~7 minutes with red candle!

It's a run so bad there wasn't a single, a SINGLE useful item other than the candle I encountered 100 lepers and quit in some worthless lump room in scarred womb.

Afterbirth: probably the worst Lost run I've seen in my entire life, which is astoundingly impressive. Not a single useful item, gnashing of teeth throughout and alt+f4 at the Mom fight

Don't forget to check scores here: In-game LB is terrible and has more cheaters than there is hair on my scrotum

/r/bindingofisaac Thread