[Repentance Final Boss Spoilers] It's obvious which of these two is superior

Honestly don’t like Dogma love The Beast(wish it looked accurate though) Dogma’s attacks irritate me to know end, especially his spin attack beating him 15 times still don’t see how to avoid it other then luck. Along with that as a Christian the soundtrack just being bible quotes bothers me a good deal and sours my opinion of the boss, if the lyrics where someone twisting verses in wicked ways or spewing unbiblical nonsense I’d probably like as the instrumental is pretty good(rev 13:1 is still better) While the beast could be improved in some ways make him a bit more dynamic and not on a set unchanging pattern I find it to be overall very fun and climactic it feels like a finally most of the end games bosses don’t feel that way, I like Delirium and I’ll defend the wacky boy but he doesn’t feel overly climatic like the beast. The big take away though is...Edmund make Beast accurate you coward!

/r/bindingofisaac Thread Link - imgur.com