MYTHS and FACTS about Kindergarten

MYTH- your kinder knows how to act in k (especially if they went to preK)

FACT- It takes until October (in a normal, 5 days in person year) for kids to learn classroom expectations and rules.

Don’t be surprised if your kinder gets a note home, loses Dojo points, gets a “bad color”, etc. this is NORMAL. Your student has to have rules and consequences to learn what is appropriate and what is jot at school. PreK works differently than kindergarten, daycare works differently that PreK, kindergarten in a daycare/PreK setting works differently. And most school/daycare systems have worked differently since March 2020 than any other year.

It is OKAY if your kid has an off day in kindergarten. Or even a few off days.

We all have them. And so do tiny people.

As long as they learn from it, that’s the goals.

Many kindergarteners haven’t been to school in a formal school setting. That’s OKAY.

Give them grace. Give them tile to learn. Give them time to understand kindergarten.

Keep in mind, this take until OCTOBER in a normal year for kinders to get acclimated.

It is OKAY if it takes your kid a bit longer to acclimate during a pandemic.

There are much bigger, social, emotional, and trauma things for them to work through.

A HUGE part of k is social and emotional learning. We k teachers aren’t focused on a standard, but on GROWTH.

/r/kindergarten Thread