In need of information and maybe some success stories.

Hey, 33F here, had a burst aneurysm then right side basal ganglia stroke on 23rd September 2022. Paralysed on left side. Couldn’t swallow, some aphasia, depression, no coma, icu for 3 days then hospitalised for 2 months. I focused on moving thumb which was so frustrating. Felt like I was Matilda trying my hardest to move something like a piano with my mind, was so odd. But eventually I got there . 2 months in, I started taking my first steps, but had and still have some spasticity.

I noticed major changes 3 months later but to date, I’m still not great. I walk but not as great as I’d like. Baclofen is helping with spasticity, my brain still feels weird. Like I’m in a weird dream like reality, going out is still scary. My left side is still numb but I can kinda use it. I do brain training every day. MindPal Is working. I kinda feel like me? But not quite . Definitely have been depressed easily and daily. My moods are low sometimes. They change often. Support & visits helped. It’s a long and rough road , I won’t lie but he can recover. Lots of people do.

Msg me if I want support or info / advice & hope you’re alright. Your dad will be xx

I’m getting there though. It’s been tough & it’s a lot of hard work. I’m sorry this has happened to your family cos it’s shit. But believe in your dad,the docs & the brain being plastic.

/r/stroke Thread