need some insight...

That's what I don't get. Why not simply discard then?

That, I don't know. They don't want to let go. They don't want to work things out. But they don't want to leave. I don't understand this part and it always makes me feel like an asshole or a narcissist. Can't help you there. The only thing I've been able to tell myself is that they are too lazy or too insecure to leave on their own.

I'm cool with it. I am not the same person as I was last year. I am not pining over him to come back. I am more afraid of him leaving and coming back out of the blue. If this was a normal split, we would have just gone our separate ways.

Yeah. I know that feeling. People freak out when I ask for keys back and stuff and I am sure that break ups for me look monstrous, but I dealt with someone who came back randomly. I think the biggest link was having a kid with her. Do you know what your "connection" is for him? Money? Security? First person to listen to _____ story? There's got to be something, right?

And I know he's been on the prowl, probably has some poor soul picked out. Can you explain how yours started to "imitate" you?

Yes. It's happened twice now. The girl before the crazy one would actually "yell" back at me. She wasn't a yeller. However, she was trying to connect with me. The biggest thing in the imitation phase is hard for me to describe in writing, because it's an auditory thing. I tend to sound like I know what the fuck I am talking about (even if I don't) and my voice is deep and "authoritative". They bob their head back and forth and repeat what I have just said to mock me, basically trying to tell me I don't know what the fuck I am thinking or feeling and trying to show me that I look "stupid" by imitating or over-imitating it. There's more to it than that. It's generally mid-argument when they hit a wall. Or post-argument when they have decided my feelings mean little enough that they don't need to be addressed. People sleep on the couch after, etc.

My ex-gf did it to her new bf today while they were standing on the porch. We were briefly talking about the order I filed and money she owes me. The boyfriend started to say something "smart aleck" to me and she cut him off and imitated him: "You aren't going to do anything. Shut the fuck up and get back in the car. (and under her breath) I don't know why she's trying to do man's work anyways. Stupid bitch. (in a more baritone voice)." Paraphrased for brevity.

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